holding out hands
for the world to hold
opening hearts to the dream
hoping and praying
that the dream will come true
that there truly is a chance for
Stankovic Camp - June 19, 1999
thumbs up
and peace signs
rise above the crowds
quick hand shakes
pass from American soldiers
to ethnic Albanian refugees
quick promises of Help
of Hope
the refugee's out reached hands
rise to greet the soldier's
for that brief time
HOPE fills their anguished hearts
any HOPE is worth clinging to...
for Brahim Manovi - KLA soldier at Bruznik
tear-filled eyes
hands cupped in supplication
the war weary soldier
kneels and casts his questionings
to whomever may be listening
perhaps WHY? is not a big enough question
it never seems to get answered
but Brahim knows
it is time for all this fighting
A Split Second Decision
A split second decision
keeps one human alive,
or takes another life;
allows dreams to be carried through
or ends those same dreams,
in one brief moment of greed.
A split second decision
leaves a victim's loved ones,
forever bound to grief,
through every life brought down;
Life that cannot be replaced,
not by a Miracle, not by Grace.
So many precious lives are lost
to violence, terrorism, and wars;
so many others are left behind,
with no way to heal their scars.
Where does it end?
Many ask - many plead.
It ALL begins or ends,
with a split second decision.
(this poem was written upon
the news that Bill Cosby's son
was murdered during a drive-by
shooting - how senseless)